Saturday, May 1, 2010

Third Trimester changes

So, people were telling me that the 2nd trimester was great but then the 3rd trimester would hit and it would all be down hill. Up until yesterday I was thinking that maybe I was safe from that. It is such a strange thing to try to explain but I just feel like I have been beat up. Its that weird feeling you get either right before or right after you have been sick and you just cant muster the strength to do anything. I feel like such a weenie because it's not like I feel BAD, I just don't feel GOOD. Its sort of frustrating.

I am just wondering what else to expect over the next 9 weeks or so. Is this BLAH, unproductive and icky feeling going to plague me until my little one arrives? If so, can I just raise my hand and say "I'm done"? I hate feeling this way! I am the type of person that does not do well with down time. I like to stay busy, productive and active. Any suggestions on shaking this or does it just come with the territory?

So needless to say, yesterday I battled this new phenomenon and today I have been battling it as well. I think the main annoying part of it is that I know so much of it is mental! The point is, its now 3:15pm, we are under a tornado warning, and I sit here in my PJs with the dogs crated in the hallway and I have done nothing more than 2 loads of laundry all day. PITIFUL!
On a completely different note:
Its so strange the way my brain works! Since I grew up on a farm in AL, I keep thinking of the 2 horses and either 4 or 5 cows that we had that actually gave birth in tornado warnings/horrible weather. It makes me wonder...could either my friend Nikki Dee or I go into labor with this storm?! I know its not really realistic, but how close are we to animals in that respect? Go ahead...laugh!

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