Saturday, May 8, 2010


I officially feel pregnant. Not that I haven't already, but now I really feel like it. I have recently started gaining the actual baby weight so I feel like I have a 3-5lb BRICK sitting low in my stomach. My belly just feels heavy most of the time and my feet are starting to swell. You know, all the flattering parts about pregnancy!
My doctor said that it was time to stop teaching my BodyFlow class, which actually worked out ok, because this was my last week to do so anyway. I am on medication to prevent premature "water breakage" and am not supposed to be on my feet more than 2 hrs at a time. So, OFFICIALLY PREGNANT!
We have a date set for the C-Section now...July 6. Two of my employees are happy b/c it falls on their birthday. Mike was mostly interested in googling what famous people were born on that day and making sure that no one along the lines of Hitler or Stalin was born then. So...probably the most notable are George W. Bush, Sylvester Stalone and Dalai Lama. Who would have thought something like that would matter when selecting a birth date. Really I am aware that she could still come early, but looking online, I think most of the dates surrounding the 6th are free from the birth of lunatics. Mike thinks that the 4th of July is a good date...because of course we all know that Yankees legend George Steinbrenner was born on that day! I would prefer we avoid it b/c I don't want my daughters birthday to be overshadowed by a national holiday every year. She needs/deserves her OWN day!

1 comment:

  1. You look great! So glad things are going well with baby girl! C-sections are not so bad and it is nice to "have a date" even though she could still come early. It gives you a I have lots of advice on c-sections if you are interested. I did a lot of talking to people about it and reading and think I fared well as far as pain. Just let me know and I'd be happy to send ya an e-mail. Just a thought ;-) Take care!
