Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sooner rather than later

So we just got back from the doctor and unfortunately, the appointment sort of went the way I expected it to go! I had just been telling Mike that I didnt think we would make it all the way to the scheduled C-Section date of July 6. I had also just told Amy at work, "what if I go in and she tells me I am already dilated and puts me on bed rest?"
Needless to say.....
Well actually I am not dilated yet, but she is concerned b/c the baby is putting a lot of pressure on my pelvic floor and I am already thinning. She put me on modified bed rest and laughed when I mentioned making it to July 6th. She politely smiled and said that June babies were great!
I love my doctor, her concern and her honesty. Basically at this point, we are just trying to make sure that I take it easy in hopes that we can hold out another 3-4 weeks. Her/Our hope is that we can eliminate the need for having a NICU stay! So I am a little scared and apprehensive, but also I am pleased that I am under the care of a doctor that I really like and trust. Its just a little nerve wracking to know that my daughter will probably be here in 1/2 the time that we thought! HOLY SMOKES!


  1. hey honey!

    I hated bad stories from people and or people who says well its going to be this way and kinda take away from you and its all about you and baby because hello its your first beautiful baby, anyway to my point, not giving my thoughts but just relax have things ready and enjoy the time feeling her move. she will be here when our Lord says. everything will be just fine.. Trust Him to take care of you and He will.. I know how we like to control things, chill baby chill! love you and Iam praying!

  2. Sorry for the scare but it does seem like you have a dr. that is on top of things. You sound alot like I did when I was pregnant. I had too much to do and too little time to do it in ;-) This will be good for you....once RMA gets here things will go her way anyways so they might as well start now. That was a hard lesson for me to learn. LOL...Keep her cooking till doc says it's time!! We'll be praying for you guys ;-)
