Saturday, May 1, 2010

So THATS why!!!!

So, I figured it out. Braxton Hicks! That I believe is the root to my icky-ness and discomfort. Those darn contractions have started and now that I have pinpointed it, somehow I feel better about it. I knew that alot of my issue was mental!
So I have now resigned myself to the fact that:
1. Yes, doing one load of laundry can wear me out to the point of needing a nap, and that's ok.
2. Braxton Hicks contractions are going to happen from now until RMA gets here.
3. They are uncomfortable but not painful so I can deal with it.
and now that I know the root cause; I can mentally snap myself out of it and move on!
(plus, Chinese food with friends and a Sonic Blast help to snap me out of a funk as well!)

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