Friday, August 13, 2010

Time FLIES!!!

So it has now been 7 weeks since little Rane made her big debut! It is so hard to believe! I hate that I haven't been blogging as much as I had planned but it is hard to tear myself away from her! She is such a great baby! We are enjoying every little bit!
My mom stayed in town from the time she was born until July 19 (Her 41st wedding anniversary) and then Mike's parents arrived from NJ on July 20th to spend a few days! It was a whirlwind visit but it was great!
The biggest sigh of relief though came on Sunday July 25. Rane was officially 1 month old and we finally had a house that was only filled with the 3 of us! Our little family of 3 were able to just skip church, rest, relax and watch movies. It was so restful and it felt GREAT!
Mike and I have both had our struggles with getting used to caring for a baby, but we are both settling in. We enjoy giving Rane a bath...SHE LOVES IT and seems as though she could sit there for HOURS! Feeding her is a little frustrating sometimes, but honestly she eats the best at 3am! HAHA! The funny part of her feedings is that sometimes she absolutely REFUSES to burp for me. I can ask Mike to help, and within SECONDS of him taking her, she will let out the manliest burp! Its like their special little bond. It cracks me up!
She gets the hiccups all the time and is frustrates her but its really cute! She also coughs during her feedings and it is so funny because they sound so fake because they are such tiny little coughs, but I know they are real!
We have continued to enjoy watching her become more and more aware of her surroundings. She loves to look around and will follow our voices. She will reach for her bottle and pacifier and is able to roll from her side to her back on her own. She holds her head up GREAT and loves tummy time (as long as it is by laying on mine or Mike's chest) She's not crazy about being on the play mat on her belly.
We have ALMOST slept all the way through the night. Two nights ago, we put Rane to bed a little before 11 and she woke up around 5 or 5:30 to eat! I am hoping that within another week, she will be going all the way through the night!
We are so blessed that we own our own business. It has allowed Mike and I to take turns staying home with Rane while the other goes to work! We each enjoy our days with her and it is nice to know that we are not going to miss these precious moments.
We have gotten out with Rane a couple of times although the heat has been oppressive! We are excited to be out and about more once the temps drop. She enjoys being in the jogging stroller. It was fun to take a walk with her in the late evening and watch her look around at all of the sounds of the bugs in the trees. She did great! We also took her to downtown Florence for First Fridays where there are booths of vendors and live music. Again, it was hot, but she did awesome!
Rane is on a fantastic schedule. We now are VERY regulated. She eats at 8am, 11:30am, 3pm, 6:30pm, and 10pm. Then she wakes up once during the night to eat! She also has a regular nap time from about 1pm-3pm every day and will usually nap for an hour in the morning and an hour in the early evening! She is such an easy baby!
I still cant get over how big she is getting and how fast it is passing by! We love each new little development and milestone, but at the same time, I sometimes wish that she would stay tiny! Its the best feeling to cuddle up and let her nap on my chest, or have her nestled in my arm for her feedings. I know that the next time I blink she will be holding her own bottle and not needing me to hold her! But for now, I will LOVE every moment and take it all in! As I typed the last sentence, Rane started crying. Right on cue...3:02 pm...Nap over, time to eat!!!

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